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Bloom Confidently Business Seminars

The business seminar will equip disabled entrepreneurs with the information they need to run successful businesses in the following:

  • Assist aspirant entrepreneurs to articulate their business concept and vision, as well as to chart a way to establish thriving businesses.

  • Assist start-up businesses to be compliant and to access markets.

  • Assist established businesses to grow and scale their businesses, and to access funding.

  • To expose disabled entrepreneurs to available opportunities and business support and funding entities.

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Project Isidima

Isidima means dignity in IsiXhosa. As contained in the title, the project aims to restore dignity to the lives of people living with disabilities.

The project offers the following:
• One-on-one virtual consultations
• Virtual therapy & self esteem-building sessions
• Work Readiness Programme
• Identify suitable opportunities for placement
• Monitoring & Support Services

Broken Crayons Still Colour Beautifully

The symposium is designed to celebrate and inspire differently-abled women in a Women's Month.


  • To promote and highlight inclusion and universal access in shared spaces.

  • To showcase available opportunities in business, education, employment, and social development for the community.

  • To encourage a broader dialogue and networking with a community is largely unseen, unheard and marginalised.

  • To recognise and award the women who are strong disability advocates.

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Holding Hands

We believe in tomorrow

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